
How to use a Podcast to Promote your Business

Written by Emily Rahmig - Marketing Associate | Mar 29, 2022 2:42:19 PM

Creating a podcast for your brand is becoming an effective way to reach a new audience and engage with new customers. 

One of the main reasons why branded podcasts are a successful marketing strategy is that  advertising is kept to a minimum and the host company is barely mentioned. This creates an authentic connection with your audience, who are grateful to receive valuable content without the pushy sales message.

This is easier said than done, however, and many brands fall into the trap of talking too much about themselves on their podcast.

So, how is it possible to promote your brand on your podcast without sounding too pushy or salesy? 

Covered in this article: 

  • Featuring customers or company employees as brand representatives
  • Storytelling
  • Brand association
  • Summary 

Featuring customers or company employees as brand representatives 

Instead of simply discussing the benefits of your brand as you would in a commercial, you can invite trusted customers as guests on your show, and let them share with the audience how your product or service has improved their life. 

You could also feature an employee and ask them about their background prior to working for your company, their experience, what made them join your team and what they have learnt since. 

That way you can use your podcast to discuss the purpose of your brand, while adding some colour and diversity to the episode, making the podcasting experience more enjoyable for everyone. You can further improve your brand image and build credibility by adding customer testimonials to your podcast.


Storytelling is a fundamental human experience that unites people and builds stronger, and deeper connections. By communicating the purpose of a brand through stories, you can elevate its meaning and help your listeners better understand how it fits into customers’ lives.

The use of narrative and storytelling has been proven to help consumers develop emotional and personal connections with brands. In fact, research has shown that 55 % of consumers who love a brand’s story are willing to make a purchase. 

Therefore storytelling isn’t just a unique approach to marketing, but it gives your consumers a completely different way to experience your brand.

Brand association

Brand associations are the connections that we draw between a brand and people, places, feelings, and emotions. In simple words: brand association is anything which is deep seated in a customer's mind about your brand. The ultimate goal of brand association is to have your brand linked with positive attributes.

Podcasts are one of the most effective ways to build a strong association with your brand. By creating a branded podcast to promote your brand, talking about subjects that are related to the purpose of it, you can strengthen your brand narrative and create compelling podcast content for your audience. 

For instance, if the purpose of your brand is to make the creation of audio content as easy as possible, you could explore topics surrounding audio marketing and invite audio experts as guests on your podcast. 


Businesses need to find a balance between using their podcast show for self-promotion and providing value to their audience with interesting and entertaining content.

In order to maintain that balance, it is important to feature people who your audience will relate to, to tell stories that are related to your brand’s purpose, and help customers build a strong personal connection with your brand.

If you’re considering creating a podcast for your brand, and would like to discuss your options, then book a free podcast strategy call with us now.