
Ads on Podcasts, How Do They Work? - Benjamin Masse, Triton Digital

Written by Alessandra Rebecchini - Podcast Producer | Apr 27, 2022 12:00:54 PM


Episode description

Listeners: Have you already heard ads on podcasts? 

Brands: Have you considered putting ads on your podcast and studying the engagement it can create with your audience? 

How does it work?

Audio ads are using AI technologies and real-time bidding to gather data and analyze the audience's behavior while online. This data provides a real-time campaign optimized for their tastes and preferences. Still, technologies need to evolve to provide more reliable data for brands.

Our guest, Benjamin Masse, is in charge of the Product’s Strategy and Market Development at Triton Digital (formerly Triton Media Group), a digital audio technology and advertising company based in Los Angeles.

Benjamin has a deep understanding of online media and its impact on society.

As an accomplished musician, he also fully appreciates the growing importance of interactions between business, technology and culture.


  • Benefits of ads in podcasts
  • The relationship between ads and podcast type, audience and purpose
  • Difference between ads on podcasts, programmatic audio and radio advertising
  • Which technologies enable live and on-demand publishers to grow audience and revenue globally
  • AI technologies and real-time bidding to gather data and analyze the audience's behavior while online


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